There are 3 totally different circumstances where the phrase FEAR NOT is mentioned in Matthew 1 and Luke 1.

I mean, yes, an angel says it each time.

But I think it’s interesting to look at the other context for these three times:

  1. Matthew 1:20 “Fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife”.

Joseph is told to FEAR NOT to do a really hard thing that had been asked of him.

To do something different than what society expected. 

2. Luke 1:13 “Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son”. 

Zacharias is told to FEAR NOT because the whole circumstances of his life were going to be changing soon.

To fear not that the Lord hasn’t been hearing his prayers. 

3. Luke 1:30 “Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God.”

Mary is told to FEAR NOT after wondering her standing with God.

She doesn’t think she’s the right person, but she is told that she has found favor with Him and to not fear.

Fear creeps into our lives so many shapes and forms.

Fear of change, fear of rejection, fear of being ridiculed, fear of being wrong…

But God sends His messengers to remind us that we don’t need to dwell in fear.

He will provide the miracle.

He will make the worldly mocking seem like nothing.

He will reassure us of our standing before Him.

He will answer our prayers.

He is aware of every single little detail, every little nuance of our specific situation.

And still, He invites us to fear not.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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