What warnings would God give to you right now?

I love that there are so many positive words of encouragement that the Lord gives us, cuz boy do I need them.

But I think it’s also important to look at the direct warnings that He gives us.

Cuz boy, do I need those, too!

The Lord spoke about the saints in the church at the time, that I feel like could be pulled into 4 separate warnings:

“Now, I, the Lord, am not well pleased with the inhabitants of Zion, for there are idlers among them; and their children are also growing up in wickedness; they also seek not earnestly the riches of eternity, but their eyes are full of greediness.” D&C 68:31

Did you catch those 4 specific warnings?

  1. Don’t be idle
  2. Teach your children
  3. Be earnest in good things
  4. Don’t be greedy

Well, don’t those seem pretty appropriate for those of us who, today, are still trying to build up Zion?

Don’t be idle—

Our time on earth was meant to be for more than being entertained.

Teach your children—

We can’t control their choices, but that doesn’t mean we can drop the ball on teaching them like their lives depend on it.

Be earnest in doing good things—

We can’t wait to be commanded or be put in an organization that will force us to do good things. We’ve gotta be proactive, just like our Savior is.

Don’t be greedy—

Thinking that we deserve more than others is a manifestation of pride that brings us away from God.

SUCH great warnings that the Lord gives.

Warnings don’t have to be rough, mean, or heavy.

In fact, I feel enlightened when I read about truths that I need to work on and fix.

Correcting loved ones and hearing correction from the Lord doesn’t have to be harsh or rude.

I am grateful that the Lord gives me warnings, and invites me to be better.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. The 4 warnings made me really stop to think. I really need to work on several and reading them stirred my heart to start trying more. Thanks for your help.

  2. I love these warnings.I am prayerful that I can lead my family to become closer to Cheist

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