This scripture story is perfect for General Conference weekend.

Why did Peter walk on water?

Why did he leave the boat?

Why did he think he could?

“We can’t know for certain, but perhaps Peter understood that the Son of God came NOT JUST TO DO wonderful things for the people but to EMPOWER people like Peter to do wonderful things too…⁣” -Come Follow Me Manual

This weekend in General Conference will be packed with goodness.

We will hear invitations.

We will probably hear stories of miracles.

We will listen to women and men who have devoted their lives to serving Jesus.

But this weekend isn’t meant for us to just listen.

We can, like Peter, turn it into an invitation to act!

To take part in the gathering of Israel.

To help those who suffer.

To wake up and do something more than dream of our mansions above.

“And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.” (Matthew 14:28-29)

Jesus doesn’t want us to just be observers and listeners in the gospel.

I mean, we do need to listen. By all means, sit on the couch and watch 10 hours of church this weekend. It’s awesome.

But then we act!

We have the faith to get up and act on what the Spirit prompts us to do!

Feel overwhelmed with a million things you want to do that all seem good?

Pray about it.

No really.

The Spirit has always helped me focus my mind to what my next step needs to be when I try to become perfect in one fell swoop.

We can go through life and be acted on.

Or we can wake up, take that frightening but exhilarating step out of the boat, and be empowered to join with Jesus in changing everything.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. As a younger person, I always thought Peter was a failure because he couldn’t continue to stay on top of the water. Recently, I realized Peter was the only one who tried to walk on water. He was the only one who had the faith to try.

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