Teaching about the Second Coming – WEDNESDAY

“Am I ready for the Second Coming?⁣”

If this is a thought you’ve had run through your mind recently, you are not alone.

Christ taught his disciples about the signs of the Second Coming through preaching some of his most famous and most poignant parables. ⁣⁣

1️⃣ Do we have oil in our lamp?⁣⁣

2️⃣ Have we multiplied our talents? ⁣⁣

3️⃣ Are we serving those who are in need around us?⁣⁣

THAT’S how we prepare for the Second Coming. ⁣⁣These are all deep personal development questions.

⁣⁣- Are we filling our spiritual oil lamps each day? Are we adding good, uplifting things to our mind?⁣⁣

– Are we growing as a person? Do we take the time to understand the spiritual and physical talents God has already blessed us with, and then actually use them? Do we try new things, no matter our age or experience?⁣⁣

– Do we serve those who are in need around us? Do we see a need and jump into action instead of waiting for them to “let us know”?⁣⁣

THIS is the spiritual inventory to take to prepare for the Second Coming. Not getting caught up in the signs (although those are great to study and be aware of). ⁣⁣

These are some heavy questions to consider and be honest with yourself about. They are lifelong goals. ⁣

And I think they would make a perfect inventory to take this week in particular.⁣

The cool thing is, is that our Heavenly Father wants us to meet these goals too. He will help us.⁣⁣We just have to ask with real intent.

When we do this, we will be given experiences that will help us improve our personal study, multiply our talents, and serve others.

And that’s the best preparation we can make, no matter when we will see him again.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. Since this virus I have been inspired personally to strengthen my faith, truly know what I believe and actually deeply study the minor details that make up the beautiful mosaic of the Eternal Father’s plan in my life. I knew my beliefs but not had them engraven in my heart until I was home to really study. I marvel at the enormous numbers of hours our leaders locally as well as at the Stake level have spent communicating for us. Then compound those hours with the innumerable hours our Prophets and Apostles have prayed, studied and counseled with the Lord. Never have I felt so close to Heavenly Father and my brother Jesus Christ than these past few weeks.
    I have cherished new habits of study with other members over the phone and through Messenger. My testimony seems like the iron rod spoken of by Lehi. I pray that when restrictions are lifted my current learning habits will not be shaken by the worldly noise and chaos.

    1. Isn’t it beautiful to find that deeper conviction and testimony in times of trial? Thank you for sharing! <3

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