They were taking Him to kill him.

I can’t think of many worse situations on this earth.

These were “enemies” by every definition of the word. ⁣

In fact, Peter raised his sword in defense and cut off the ear of one of the offenders.

A noble act of loyalty against such injustice!⁣

And yet what did Christ do?⁣

“And he touched his ear, and healed him.” (Luke 22:51)

He healed the man’s ear. ⁣

“He reached out and blessed His potential captor using the same heavenly power that could have prevented Him from being captured and crucified.” —David A. Bednar

Did that man really deserve to be healed?⁣

Christ didn’t ask that question. ⁣

He just loved everyone and did good to those who used Him. ⁣

He didn’t just teach about “loving your enemies” — He lived it. ⁣

Are we stuck a little too much on making sure people get what they deserve?⁣

Or could we do better at ignoring about making things “fair”

While also honestly hoping that we never get exactly what we deserve?

Jesus showed overwhelming kindness, love, and generosity toward His enemy.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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