We don’t hear much about Mary the mother of Jesus after the story of the conception and birth. ⁣

We studied a lot about her at the beginning of the year, and we sang her praises for her faith and humility. ⁣

I imagine Mary was the most amazing and righteous mother to raise up a young Jesus in the truth. ⁣

I imagine her pangs of sadness when He left home. ⁣

I imagine the pride and joy that filled her heart every time rumors of what Jesus was doing got back to her. ⁣

I’m sure Christ came and visited and ministered to her many times. ⁣

Most people agree that her husband Joseph had passed away.

I imagine her unbearable sadness at losing such a righteous man that stayed with her, even when social custom forbid it.

I imagine Jesus comforting her during those times. ⁣

And then, after all she had been through, there He was.

Her perfect, righteous son of divine origin.

Hanging on a cross. ⁣

I can’t even begin to think of the emotions she felt, ranging from faith-filled hope to pure devastation. ⁣

And then I imagine Christ’s emotions while being exhausted and in pain, and seeing His mother. ⁣

Oh man. ⁣

With all the power that He holds, I’m sure it was difficult to hold back and finish His mission in that moment. ⁣

But instead of reaching out and performing a miracle on His own…

He asked His beloved disciple John to take her in. ⁣

“Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother!” (John 19:27)

We are told that often, Heavenly Father answers prayers and meets our needs through the people around us. ⁣

This is a beautiful example of Christ wanting to bless and save His mother, but, knowing that He couldn’t physically do that, delegating her well-being and care to a trusted friend. ⁣

Have we been given people to look out for?

Have we been told, “Behold, thy new friend”?⁣

When we serve and care for each other, we are doing literally what the Savior would do if He could intervene in all of our lives and serve us personally. ⁣

It was a sacred calling for John to be asked to look after Mary. ⁣

And we are given sacred callings all of the time (formally or informally) to look after people around us too. ⁣

So let’s take care of Jesus’s loved ones with as much sincere concern and charity as we can.

For Him.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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