Was it wrong of Thomas to want proof before believing that Christ had risen from the dead? ⁣

Considering we literally refer to him as “doubting Thomas”, I think he gets a bad rap for wanting proof before believing. ⁣

But do any of us really have a testimony without having any “proof”?⁣

What’s your proof for knowing your Savior lives?

That you have a loving Heavenly Father?

That the gospel and Book of Mormon are true?⁣

My proof is very personal, and honestly wouldn’t make sense to anyone else if I tried to describe it. ⁣

But I still have proof. ⁣

My proof is in overwhelming presentations of the spirit.

My proof is in the undeniable love and peace that I feel.

My proof is in the manner I live my life and the small blessings I notice. ⁣

We have to have some sort of “proof” to believe. ⁣

What’s cool about Thomas, though, is that he totally believed after seeing and feeling the proof. ⁣

“Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed”. (John 20:29)

I bet you could rattle off names of scriptural figures who saw signs and angels and never believed. ⁣

But Thomas did. ⁣

He simply asked the Lord for a little proof.

A little piece of evidence. ⁣

But it seems like he asked with a willing and humble heart. ⁣

Now Jesus says that we are blessed for not seeing. ⁣

We can’t have that same proof as Thomas, at least not right now. ⁣

And Christ gives us credit!

It is hard to believe something without seeing.

But we still can get proof.

Thank goodness for the Holy Spirit.

“The truths that mark the way home to God are verified by the Holy Ghost.” —Henry B. Eyring

That is the Spirit’s job.

To give us the small, intangible, hard-to-relay moments of proof that give us the evidence we need to believe.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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