But why do we sometimes do this to ourselves? ⁣

“None of us should be defined only by the worst thing we have ever done.” – Kevin R. Duncan

Other than not fully understanding Christ’s atoning power in our lives, this becomes a problem because we view ourselves as an imposter of some kind. ⁣

“If only they knew…”⁣

“I’m different than everyone else…”

Which leads us to separate ourselves even more from our family, friends, and ward members!

And to separate ourselves from Jesus Christ.

And then why do we sometimes do this to others?⁣

We happen to know of a big sin they committed, and we silently judge them as we see their social media pictures, because they were “that one kid in high school who…”⁣

We know of a difficult life circumstance they had to endure, and we thoughtlessly label them as “that girl who had to return early from her mission…” or “the divorced guy…”

I like to think of Paul. ⁣

Did anyone else just get EXHAUSTED reading about all his traveling and preaching?!

This missionary was on fire!⁣

And then, he gives a beautiful farewell speech to his brethren in Acts 20:18-35.

(I highly recommend you reread that speech again.)⁣

He talks about serving the Lord boldly. ⁣

He talks about never coveting what other men have. ⁣

He talks about being led by the Holy Ghost to preach of Christ. ⁣

And then his brethren weep, fall on him, and kiss him because they do not want him to go away. ⁣

And Paul emotionally closes:

“But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.” (Acts 20:24)

Does this sound like Paul is thinking about his not-so-shiny days as the Pharisee, stoning Christians to death?

Does this sound like his friends still remember the terrible things Paul did to them and possibly loved ones?⁣

Nope. ⁣

Christ’s atoning power is real.

We don’t need to keep thinking we aren’t as good as anyone else.

We don’t need to keep thinking we have other people “figured out”.

Because of Jesus, everyone gets to change if they want to.

Our eternal potential is unlimited!

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. So insightful! Amazed to think we don’t have to carry the worst things that happened in our lives thanks to Jesus Christ who is our saving grace!
    Thanks for bringing the spirit to me!

  2. Paul is one of my heroes. When he turned around he didn’t walk he ran to do good always even in the face of very real danger.

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