My daughter loves to dance.

I recently got her a new purple leotard that she was so excited to wear to her next dance class.

It came in the mail, and she tried it on right away.

But when it was time to leave for dance class, we suddenly couldn’t find this leotard!

We tore apart the house looking.

Quin was devastated when we had to leave for class without it.

Guess what we did as soon as we got home?

We looked for it again!

We still couldn’t find it.

Each morning for the next few days, she would ask about the leotard, and we would keep looking everywhere.

No leotard.

Six days later, we discovered the purple leotard scrunched up inside a swimsuit at the bottom of a laundry basket.

Of course.

But she was so happy that we had found it, and the search was over!

That purple leotard was important to my daughter, and she was not going to stop looking for it.

I think of other times when we’ve lost a little plastic toy.

The amount of effort spent searching for that lost toy has been minimal.

And when I’ve lost car keys, I’ve put all my efforts into finding them immediately!

How much we look for something when it is lost seems to indicate how important it is to us.

It is not our Father’s will that ANYONE should perish or be lost.

⁣”For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.” (Matthew 18:11)

He’s not shrugging His shoulders saying we shouldn’t have wandered off.

He’s not casually remembering to look for us every once in a while.

He’s not forgetting about us because it’s been so long.

No, He is here to save everyone who is lost!

He won’t stop on His end. We are just too important.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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