I’ve heard it said that “No one has ever lost their testimony while truly studying the scriptures every day.”

I don’t know if that’s 100% true, but I do know that when I study, truly STUDY, my scriptures every single day consistently, I know more about the gospel.

I’m able to teach better.

I receive inspiration more easily.

I feel like I’m showing my Heavenly Father and my Savior that I’m willing to put the work in to learn. ⁣

I feel comfort and peace in response to my complicated questions.

The people in Berea were ready to actually receive the gospel from Paul and Silas because they SEARCHED the scriptures DAILY. ⁣

“These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and asearched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” (Acts 17:11)

So how can we search and study the scriptures even better?

I like to take a little inventory of my current scripture study-related STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES.

Whether it is consistency, time spent studying, allowing time to reflect, finding life lessons, seeking inspiration, memorizing stories and references, teaching others about the scriptures…⁣

The gospel is all about STRIVING to be better!⁣

How can we be just a little better with our scripture study today?

Not tomorrow.

Not when I have the time.

Not once I meet this deadline. ⁣

What can I do today to make my scripture study bless my life even more, and be ready to receive God’s word?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. If you remember when Joseph Smith saw the angel Moroni, after delivering his message the light gathered around him and a “conduit of light opened up and Moroni was taken up into the conduit. Reading scriptures to me opens the conduit of light to my mind. If the Lord or the Spirit have messages or promptings for me it will usually be received during that time or soon after. By no means does that happen every time , but I try to pay close attention to thoughts that come during scripture time. I believe scriptures are recorded under the spirit and when we read them that conduit becomes available to us.
    I hope that makes sense. As Elder Scott and others have taught we need to record those expressions which can allow us to receive more light and truth. That helps to keep that conduit open a little longer.

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