“I do not know why we have the many trials that we have, but it is my personal feeling that the reward is so great, so eternal and everlasting, so joyful and beyond our understanding that in that day of reward, we may feel to say to our merciful, loving Father, ‘Was that all that was required?’“ – Linda S. Reeves⁣

What a mature, eternal perspective, right?!

In the midst of my most difficult trials, when I am able to remember this perspective, it makes things a little more bearable. ⁣

But why?

Probably because these thoughts push me toward my Heavenly Father and Savior.

My Heavenly Father wants me back home.

He wants me to have the glory and the blessings He has, of which I have no comprehension. ⁣

He gave me a Savior to help me along.

To turn to all of the time, but to lean on especially when things become difficult. ⁣

Anytime I am brought to this perspective, things seem a little more bearable.

A little more temporary. ⁣

I feel a little more strength.

That is because my Savior is bearing my load, yoked with me.

Sometimes I just need to remember he is there. ⁣

I feel a little more love and peace.

That is because my Heavenly Father gives me even more of the Holy Spirit’s presence in my life when I am thinking of Him and doing righteous things. ⁣

But I’ve also learned that I think these realizations and humbling thoughts come best from within. ⁣

Not from telling every person around us going through a difficult time that, “This will all be worth it! You will be fine!”⁣

But instead mourning, comforting, and listening to those who suffer.

Offering scriptures and talks they can read to gain their own comfort and to forge their own strong relationships with deity.

Sharing our personal experiences with love and tenderness. ⁣

When I am closer to my Savior and my Heavenly Father,

When I remember my relationship with Them,

When I put things into perspective…⁣

I realize, I can handle anything.

Because He can handle anything.

“For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” (Romans 8:18)

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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