It will never fail us to be kind. ⁣

It will never fail us to not envy. ⁣

It will never fail us to not puff ourselves up with pride. ⁣

We won’t fail if we don’t anger easily.

We won’t fail if we don’t rejoice in doing iniquity. ⁣

We cannot fail if we rejoice in the truth.

Bear all things.

Believe all things.

Hope all things.

Endure all things. ⁣

“Charity never faileth” (1 Corinthians 13:8).

Charity, the true love of Christ, will never fail us.

And having charity will never fail those around us who we desperately hope to help.

Which parts of charity do you feel like are your strengths? ⁣

Which parts of charity are you working to cultivate right now?⁣

Paul’s teachings found in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 are world-famous for good reason!

He gives us a literal checklist to work on to develop this elusive quality of “charity”. ⁣

How could we ever love purely in the way that Christ does? ⁣

How could we ever become truly Christlike?

By developing these qualities over a lifetime of trial, error, repentance, and refinement. ⁣

For when we have charity, or are working to develop charity, we cannot fail.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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