When my husband and I bought our first home, I quickly realized that owning a home is constantly going back and forth between feelings of “abundance” and “want”!

At first, the home seemed perfect.

I felt so abundant and grateful to own a home and live in it!

But then… I wanted the walls painted.

When they got painted, I felt abundant again!

Everything was all good.

But then… we wanted to do our backyard.

When our yard was finished, I felt overwhelmingly abundant and wanted to throw all the parties!

The cycle has continued on and on.

I think we go through similar cycles in almost every area of our lives.

Paul acknowledged this, too:

“But by an equality, that now at this time your abundance may be a supply for their want, that their abundance also may be a supply for your want: that there may be equality.” (2 Corinthians 8:14)

Isn’t that such a cool balance that we’ve been asked to help with?

Whether in our wards,

our neighborhoods,

or the walls of our own homes,

We can help use our abundance to fill others’ wants.

And we can have our wants assisted by other people’s abundance.

We will always have wants.

Sometimes it’s emotional needs like good friendships and authentic connection.

Other times it’s spiritual needs like a testimony or a desire to read the scriptures.

And other times it is literally physical and temporal needs.

We can find a sweet equality when other people have an abundance to share with us.

It works both ways.

What do you feel like you currently are “abundant” with?

How can you find someone with a “want” to share with?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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