I recently read an article by a pastor from a different church who read the entire Book of Mormon.

He wrote a nice summary of some of the good things he had learned from his experience reading the book.

And I was… SHOCKED at how casual the article was!

I was ready to read that this pastor had read the Book of Mormon, felt the Spirit, and immediately gotten baptized.

But instead it was a nice review, as if he had read a self-help book.

The Book of Mormon has been so transformational in my life that it’s hard for me to imagine someone else reading it and not also being transformed.

But it’s true–

Religious scholars and curious critics have read the Book of Mormon and not been converted.

So thinking logically, this means that it’s not just the act of reading our scriptures that strengthens our testimonies and brings us closer to the Savior.

There has to be something else!

Paul taught:

“Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.” (Galatians 2:16)

We aren’t saved or “justified” by the act of reading our scriptures.

We don’t feel the Spirit of God changing our hearts just because we opened a book and read a little bit.

Instead, we need to open our scriptures with FAITH in Jesus Christ!

We open that book with the intent to grow our testimonies.

We read the verses with confidence that the Spirit will show our minds exactly what we need to learn.

We search the Book of Mormon, desperately longing for our hearts to soften.

It’s our FAITH that makes all the difference as we perform GOOD WORKS.

And this goes for everything: attending the temple with faith in Jesus, paying tithing with faith in Jesus, ministering with faith in Jesus, praying with faith in Jesus…

Our faith in Jesus Christ is what makes all the difference.

And it’s what turns the scriptures from books filled with ancient stories to living, powerful words straight from God!

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. Thank you! I loved today’s thoughts. It is my faith, and I think my desire to know Him better, that helps us receive revelation as we read the scriptures. I’m keeping this thought to reflect on again!

  2. When I joined the church at age 18 my parents wanted me to go meet with our Methodist minister before I got baptized. I was nervously waiting in his office and spotted a Book of Mormon in his bookcase. He came in and we chatted, then I called out the blue book I had seen. His response, “Yes, I have taken many a sermon from that book!”
    He wished me well in my new church! I will never forget that and it’s been 46 years!

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