Do you wanna know why I hardly read books for fun anymore?

I LOVE reading.

When people ask me what book I’ve read recently and I say that I haven’t really read anything, I usually say:

“I don’t have any time to read.”

But what I really mean is, “I wouldn’t feel productive if I just sat down and read when I could be doing other things. That would be lazy of me.”⁣

About a month ago, I had some time without kids, and I was headed downstairs to work or clean or organize something.

But when I passed my bedroom, I saw the stack of books sitting on my bedside table that I hadn’t touched.

And I saw my nice cozy bed. ⁣

And I just decided that I would go lie down in bed and read. ⁣

And I did.

And when the kids were back awake and home from school, I felt refreshed and ready to play all afternoon. ⁣

I feel like I keep having to relearn this lesson:

Avoiding being slothful does NOT mean being “productive” all the time. ⁣

We can relax.

We can do things we enjoy just because we enjoy them.

We can leave the dishes in the sink a little longer and not feel any guilt.

We can follow our passions. ⁣

We can avoid being slothful, and give ourselves time to find joy in life. ⁣

“That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” (Hebrews 6:12)

Paul gives the counsel to use our FAITH and PATIENCE. ⁣

Patience and slothfulness might outwardly look pretty similar.

They both look like a lot of waiting. ⁣

But, as with most things, it’s the inside intent that counts. ⁣

Are we wasting our precious time away?

OR are we allowing ourselves to slow down and enjoy life?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. Loved this snipet! I read a lot and have never felt like I wasted any “productive” time. I am so glad you came to that conclusion. Happy Reading!

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