As a teacher, my heart would skip a beat every time I got an email from one of my student’s parents.

Most of the time, they were just quick questions. Not a big deal.

Sometimes they were super positive and kind! ⁣

Buuuut sometimes they were not very kind.

At all. ⁣

When I first started teaching, I would immediately try to tackle writing a response. ⁣

Even though I’m pretty good at keeping things professional, I was still writing it in an emotional state.

I’d want to refute every point they had made.

I’d want to fully explain every detail of the full story.

When I would read the correspondence a few days later, I would feel a little regret with a few lines that I felt I “needed” to include at the time. ⁣

What I quickly learned was the importance of being




I’ve tried to become the best listener ever.

I don’t want to assume or butt in with my own thoughts.

I just want to listen.

But the most important element has been as I’ve learned to be SLOW to speak.

There is so much power in a pause.

Even if my first reaction is anger or frustration or disappointment…

I know that I need to WAIT. ⁣

This has applied everywhere in my life, from parenting to social relationships, from church issues to huge trials.

Sometimes the “waiting” is just a few seconds.

A quick breath to remind myself that my toddler is a toddler and isn’t supposed to do everything “right”. ⁣

Sometimes “waiting” is a few days.

A change in a calling, church policy, work situation, or routine.

If I literally just wait a few days, I find the change isn’t as dramatic as I thought.

And other times, the “waiting” takes… a really long time.

There are hard feelings towards another person or situation.

It just takes some waiting, a lot of prayer, and a lot of reflection. ⁣

“Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath”. (James 1:19)

To me, this verse is practical AND spiritual.

It’s brought so much peace to my life as I’ve slowed down and stopped thinking about myself so much, learning to listen and wait.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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