Do you have sorrow in your life right now?

It will be gone. ⁣

Have you cried recently?

There will be no need. ⁣

Do you ever experience pain?

There will be no more. ⁣

Have you dealt with death?

Completely gone. ⁣

“And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” (Revelation 21:4)

It’s hard even to imagine that. ⁣

And yet, it sounds like exactly what I desire the most. ⁣

Pain and sorrow will be gone. ⁣

And in their place, the loving embrace of my God as I dwell with Him in His presence! ⁣

What would I be willing to sacrifice right now to gain this blessing someday?⁣

Absolutely anything.

I’ve got to endure the tears, the pain, the heartache, the death for now.

And even though it can feel brutal and crushing, I know that my God isn’t waiting for some future day to bring peace into my life.

I don’t have to completely delay any sense of peace, joy, or calm in this life.

God sees my tears.

Jesus wept.

He helps me endure with a little more joy.

He helps bring me relief that refreshes me to keep going.

He helps send peace into my life during chaotic times.

God helps us ease our lowest points now.

And someday, He will sit upon His throne and wipe away any reason for sorrow in the first place.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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