I had a conversation with a coworker one time that surprised me.

She asked me how I found time to self-reflect all of the time. ⁣

I was caught off guard by her question.⁣

What was she talking about?!

She said she admired how I took time to reflect on my actions and attitudes and adjust them so often. ⁣

When did I self-reflect?

I pictured some kind of meditation, or mindful journaling…

I didn’t think that I did that.

I tried to think about the last time I had intentionally thought about my actions.

And suddenly, my morning prayer popped into my mind!

I had self-reflected when I was giving my thanks, asking for strength in upcoming obstacles, and asking for forgiveness for my previous bad attitudes or poor judgments.

And the more I thought about it, the more I realized that King Benjamin’s counsel in Mosiah 4:30 to  “. . . watch yourselves, and your thoughts, and your words, and your deeds. . .” is built into our religious habits!

We are asked to pray constantly.

We are asked to study the scriptures and ponder on their words.

We even partake of the sacrament weekly as a more formal self-inventory.

I think part of the purpose of these habits is to get us out of autopilot!

They shake us from just going with our natural emotions, and getting caught up in all the “stuff”.

They teach us to slow down.

They invite us to reflect.

They encourage us to connect with God.

And they help us intentionally decide the best ways to change.

I’m grateful for all of the opportunities I have to watch my thoughts, built into my religious routines.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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