Have you ever fallen out of the habit of saying prayers?

Then repented?

And then fallen out of the habit yet again?

I certainly have.

I start to feel pretty frustrated.

But I noticed that after Alma had just finished teaching all of the people what it meant to be a member of Christ’s church by mourning with those who mourn, taking Jesus’ name upon them, keeping the commandments, and being baptized, this is what the people did and said:

“. . .they clapped their hands for joy, and exclaimed: This is the desire of our hearts.” (Mosiah 18:11)

I can pretty much guarantee that while these people were amazing, they weren’t perfect.

I’m sure they didn’t hear Alma preach and immediately keep every commandment with exactness afterward.

They were human, with human tendencies.

But do you know what they got right?

They had a perfect DESIRE!

They DESIRED to be baptized.

They DESIRED to make covenants.

They DESIRED to serve the people around them.

So even when we aren’t perfect with prayer (or whatever your habitual sin may be)…

Do we desire to pray every day?

Do we keep trying every single time we forget or mess up?

Do we sincerely want to do better?

Do we desire to commune with God more and more?

If we have a good desire to be righteous, then we are on the right track.

“We are going to be blessed for our desire to do good, even as we actually strive to be so.” – Jeffrey R. Holland

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



3 Responses

  1. President Holland’s comment is so helpful to me. I have many good desires in my heart, but so many problems with follow through.

  2. I was so glad to read Elder Holland’s quote. I am glad to know we are blessed for out desire to keep the commandments because I seem to mess up on the same ones over and over.

  3. I loved how you directed this verse by Mosiah to our getting out of the habit of something we need more work on staying the habit of.
    Thank you Calli and Kristin!

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