“I have faith that she will get better soon.”⁣

“I have faith that I’ll get into that school.”⁣

I remember two friends telling me these statements pretty close to each other. ⁣

They stood out to me because I had been recently studying about faith. ⁣

It seemed to me that faith didn’t always work out. ⁣

People got sick and died.

Friends didn’t get into schools or get jobs that they wanted. ⁣

But… they had faith?⁣

I was reading my scriptures after hearing these statements from friends that just would not get out of my head. ⁣

And then it finally clicked. ⁣

Not faith FOR a certain result. ⁣

Faith IN Jesus Christ. ⁣

And I was reminded of this simple but powerful distinction as I read about Zeezrom’s healing. ⁣

Alma asked Zeezrom, who was on death’s door, “Do you believe in Christ?”⁣

Zeezrom responded with a yes. ⁣

And Alma said, “IF thou believest in the redemption of Christ thou canst be healed.”⁣

In Zeezrom’s situation, Alma knew that God’s will was to heal Zeezrom and keep him on earth. ⁣⁣

But Zeezrom’s faith was not IN his healing, just as the women’s faith had not been IN their saving, or Alma’s faith IN his success for sharing the gospel. ⁣

Their faith was IN Jesus Christ. ⁣

“Then Alma cried unto the Lord, saying: O Lord our God, have mercy on this man, and heal him according to his faith which is in Christ.” (Alma 15:10

And when your faith is in Jesus Christ, the outcome really doesn’t matter all that much. ⁣

Healing or succumbing. Succeeding or failing. ⁣

All of it happens to the faithful who place their faith in the One who can bring peace in the storm.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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