“Cali, I just can’t get into the habit of reading my scriptures every day. What can I do?”⁣

It’s a question that I have been asked variations of over and over again.

And I have some great suggestions to share that I’ve learned on my own.

⁣But in many of the messages, I actually hear my own concerns from a few years ago echoing in their words:⁣

“I just can’t seem to do consistent scripture study, and this means I am failing.”

In our church, reading the scriptures and praying every day are preached so often, that sometimes we mistakenly start to think that salvation comes through their repetition. ⁣

It’s like reading our scriptures becomes the goal.

We will make it if we can just read our scriptures every day!

But I want to look at what the Anti-Nephi Lehies had so wisely figured out:

“They did not suppose that salvation came by the law of Moses; but the law of Moses did serve to strengthen their faith in Christ.” (Alma 25:16)

Keeping the commandments and reading our scriptures every day are not part of the checklist we need to complete in order to earn salvation and get into heaven.

We keep the commandments and read our scriptures BECAUSE these actions strengthen our faith in the Savior.

Salvation comes only in and through Jesus Christ.

And everything He asks us to do is to point us to Jesus even more.

That is what God really wants us to do.

The goal isn’t to study our scriptures every day; the goal is to be totally focused on Jesus Christ as the center of our salvation, and scripture study is one of the easiest ways to focus us.

Don’t misinterpret here— I’m not saying “the law” or scripture study isn’t important.

I quite literally think effective scripture study can change lives, and it’s a worthy habit to develop.

But consistent scripture study isn’t the endgame.

Feasting on the scriptures daily is important BECAUSE it so naturally points us toward Jesus Christ.

Salvation doesn’t come by keeping the “law,” but the “law” helps us to become more Christlike if we keep willing and sincere hearts.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



9 Responses

  1. Love this post. I am consistent in reading my scriptures daily and sometimes I get a little proud about that which is certainly not the goal. Some days I do a better job of focusing on the Savior and some days I slack off and I am just reading words and that is okay. As long as I am working at it I am not failing.

  2. I love this post Cali. I’m sure many of us go through this same question and often do a ‘check list’ of prayer and study, and other times fall short. Yet the main goal is not to just do those, but to make sure that our initial goal is in drawing closer to the Savior. Yea.

  3. I love this post Cali. I’m sure many of us go through this same question and often do a ‘check list’ of prayer and study, and other times fall short. Yet the main goal is not to just do those, but to make sure that our initial goal is in drawing closer to the Savior. Yea.

    And no, this is NOT a duplicate comment. I haven’t made one for quite some time!!!

  4. I love this so much. I’ve always struggled with consistency in all aspects of my life. I’ve had times where I have felt shame about those religious habits being part of that struggle until I realized that the Savior was meeting me there. He saw me and was not disappointed in how I was showing up. Pondering is my strongest point and He meets me there. I do need to continue to try to read. Thank you for more language to explain how I have felt. It isn’t the endgame 🙂

  5. Such a good post! So many times we forget the purpose of the things we do! It’s the same with taking the Sacrament, going to the temple and ministering! The point is to focus on Jesus Christ and try to become more like him in all our thoughts and actions. Thank you for this!

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