The Zoramites were really good at turning religion into something much more convenient.

“Now, after the people had all offered up thanks after this manner, they returned to their homes, never speaking of their God again until they had assembled themselves together again to the holy stand, to offer up thanks after their manner.” (Alma 31:23)

They may have thought:

A religion that takes over your whole life?!

Let’s just worry about it one day a week and forget about it for the rest. ⁣

Prayer that requires thought, mental devotion, and faith?!

Let’s just write a script so it’s easier.

Worship that means becoming introspective, emotionally mature, and honest with ourselves?!

Let’s make that look a little cooler with a fun tower so everyone can see when we are being righteous!

But even today, where pretty much everything is more convenient than it was 2,000 years ago, we know that religion, at its core, is not meant to be convenient.

⁣Loving people is hard work. ⁣

Serving people is hard work. ⁣

Forgiving people is hard work. ⁣

There are no shortcuts. ⁣

And that’s the point.⁣

We are supposed to serve when it’s inconvenient, love when it’s difficult, and forgive when it stretches our souls.

That what our Savior has modeled for us, and that’s where change happens.

And as much as I like being comfortable, I want to be able to change over and over again.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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