I once had a friend give me a little potted plant. ⁣

I watered it once.⁣

And then I forgot about it and it died.

The end. ⁣

Was I shocked that it died?

Absolutely not.

I had done nothing to nourish that poor little plant. ⁣

Just like this short-lived plant, Alma asks us to consider if we are NOURISHING or NEGLECTING our seeds of faith.

“If ye neglect the tree, and take no thought for its nourishment, behold it will not get any root.” (Alma 32:38)

From a logical standpoint, it makes sense.⁣

If we do nothing to nourish our testimony every day, it will eventually wither away.

But when we are actually down in the trenches and living life, it seems easy to lose sight of this logic!

We get tired.

We get busy.

Or we get a little complacent.

That’s when we need to really step back and consider if we are doing our best every single day to nourish our testimony.

Are we taking the time to NOURISH?

Are we reading the scriptures even when they don’t make sense, or praying even when we don’t feel a connection? ⁣

Are we watering the plant, even if it doesn’t immediately perk back up, but having faith that if we continue to add more every single day, life will come again?⁣

We are either nourishing or neglecting.

There is no middle ground!

So what kind of care can you give to your living testimony of Jesus Christ today?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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