By being patient when they take forever to tell a story, by cleaning up their sticky fingers again, by hugging them when they stub their toe…⁣

… great humans are raised. ⁣

By eating foods that provide nutrients, by moving your body every day, by loving your body for what it can do…⁣

… great, healthy lives are lived. ⁣

By thanking your spouse often, by intentionally connecting with them each day, by comforting instead of criticizing…⁣

… great marriages are created. ⁣

By meeting deadlines, by treating coworkers with respect and kindness, by doing your best even when no one is looking…⁣

… great, hardworking individuals are formed. ⁣

By being kind to yourself in your own thoughts, by setting healthy mental boundaries, by taking time to do things you enjoy…⁣

… great, fulfilled people are molded. ⁣

By opening your book every single day, by taking time to ponder and write, by reading supplemental materials…⁣

… great, passionate scriptorians are born. ⁣

It’s easy to lose perspective when we are in the thick of the little things. ⁣

But looking back, we can see where our habits and actions have led us. ⁣

“By small and simple things are great things brought to pass” (Alma 37:6).

⁣And so we can look forward with that same foresight and purpose. ⁣

The little things you do today, from mundane to meaningful, from exciting to expected, are adding up to greatness. ⁣

“Frequently it is the commonplace tasks we perform that have the greatest positive effect on the lives of others, as compared with the things that the world so often relates to greatness.” – Howard W Hunter

The little things seem so little, but are truly little pieces of greatness.

Which little pieces will you add to your life today?



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