Here’s a quick summary of what these Ammonite women had endured:

They had believed in false traditions but then completely converted their hearts and made covenants when they learned about Jesus.

They uprooted their families from where they had probably lived their whole lives and moved to a safer location.

They didn’t give the anti-Christ, Korihor, a second of their time when he came to town.

They took in poor Zoramites who had been kicked out of their city, giving them food and clothing.

They uprooted their lives and moved again to give room for the Nephite armies.

Have you ever wondered WHY the Ammonite sons didn’t have even a shadow of a doubt that their mothers had faith in God?

“And they rehearsed unto me the words of their mothers, saying: We do not doubt our mothers knew it.” (Alma 56:48)

Why would their children believe their moms?

Because these Ammonite women backed up whatever they taught at home with action.

These women weren’t just sitting back, hoping dearly that their kids will gain a testimony.

They lived the gospel of Jesus Christ, and their children couldn’t help but notice.

They kept their covenants with exactness.

They turned away from evil.

They served with their whole hearts.

They sacrificed when needed.

There was no way to doubt their mothers knew that God would provide because they had proved it over and over already.

Sharing our testimonies with others is so powerful.

But backing up what we say with whole-hearted action leaves no room for doubt.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. I’m glad you mentioned children in general. As the father of five girls can we doubt their sisters were any less faithful than the warriors. I wish someone would talk more about them.

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