Why do I think women right now can have more of an impact than previous generations did for good?⁣

I think one of the reasons is because of the internet.

Because of social media. ⁣

We can choose to produce goodness, to share goodness, and to consume goodness. ⁣

When our house is completely dark at night and I need to take care of a kid, all it takes is one little light to allow me to see. ⁣

By being just a small light, we can make a bigger difference than we could ever imagine. ⁣

I’ve got a testimony of that, for sure. ⁣

Samuel told the people living in Zarahemla that the Lord needed to destroy the entire city because of their wickedness. ⁣

“But behold, it is for the righteous’ sake that it is spared.” (Helaman 13:14)⁣

One righteous person can keep an entire city from being destroyed. ⁣

And one righteous person can shine a light and share goodness on social media. ⁣

We can choose to post wisely. ⁣

We can choose to avoid division. ⁣

We can check facts. ⁣

We can resist cheap digs. ⁣

We can create beautiful and powerful content. ⁣

And whenever we choose to share our opinions, we try to always be led by the Spirit. ⁣

And that’s how we transcend the darkness and bitterness around us. ⁣

We stand out in different and distinct ways from the rest of the world and our difference can be tenfold (or more) what it could have been even 30 years ago. ⁣

Just one person. One post. One comment. One moment of restraint. ⁣

Can make all the difference between darkness and life-changing light.

“The righteous woman’s strength and influence today can be tenfold what it might be in more tranquil times.” – President Kimball

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. You surely are a light with your social media content Cali. Thank you for what you do. It’s hard even without littles, so I know it’s real work but it seems as if you’ve been prepared for this in many ways- even the experiences you share daily. Thank you for sharing you!

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