“Do you think introverts can still be good members of the church?”⁣

My friend and I were having a discussion years ago about sharing the gospel, visiting teaching, and feeling uplifted, all by being social. ⁣

And her very introverted husband interrupted us and asked this question. ⁣

It kind of stopped me in my tracks, because I had just been talking about how connecting and talking with people was how I felt the love of God working in my life. ⁣

I don’t think I had a great answer for him then, but I have never forgotten his question. ⁣

Jesus taught:

“Therefore let your light so shine before this people, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” (3 Nephi 12:16)

And since I’m pretty extroverted, it’s not natural for me to understand others’ desires to NOT be social and interact with people. ⁣

But I feel that as I’ve matured and grown, I’ve learned that absolutely 100% without a doubt that introverted people can still let their lights shine and be perfect examples of gospel living. ⁣


Because we ALL have the light of Christ within us. ⁣

Sharing our “light” doesn’t mean getting up on stage and belting out a solo.

It doesn’t mean carrying out lengthy conversations with everyone in the ward.

It doesn’t mean putting your testimony on social media every single day. ⁣

It CAN mean those things, but it certainly doesn’t have to. ⁣

Letting our light shine means letting the Light of Christ naturally shine through as we develop our strengths that we have been given. ⁣

And if that means that you think your “shining” looks different, smaller, or less interesting than the ways that other people “shine”, it truly doesn’t matter. ⁣

If we are doing good works and leaning into our unique strengths, Christ can help us become more than we are now. ⁣

He can amplify our light and stretch us to become even brighter. ⁣

So what is YOUR unique way that you can shine? It will probably look different than mine, or your spouse’s, or your friend’s –

But comparison is the thief of joy. ⁣

So turn your attention to the Savior – how can you let your personal God-given light shine in the best way that only you can?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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