I don’t think that anyone – not a single person – has ever read the last few chapters in Mormon, all of Ether, and all of Moroni, and thought:⁣

“Man, that Moroni is the worst writer ever.”⁣


Like, it’s almost laughable. ⁣

But clearly, to Moroni, this was a serious issue. ⁣

He believed that he wasn’t great at writing.

He believed that this was a big weakness of his.

When we write we behold our weakness, and stumble because of the placing of our words; and I fear lest the Gentiles shall mock at our words.” (Ether 12:25)⁣

He didn’t want to be mocked or compared. ⁣

Now THERE’S a feeling I think we all can relate to. ⁣

We see a little kid, afraid to perform at a piano recital…

And we tell them that it’s totally fine if they make mistakes because everyone is proud of them just for getting up to perform. ⁣

But we ourselves are paralyzed by a fear of messing up. ⁣

We go to someone else’s house and tell them not to worry about it no matter how many times they apologize for “the mess”.⁣

And yet we don’t want anyone to see our house unless we clean. ⁣

We encourage our friends to accept a new calling, telling them that this will be a new opportunity to grow and expand their talents. ⁣

And we think the Bishop’s got it all wrong when we hear of our new assignment. ⁣

(There are so many more examples like this…)

We feel such loving compassion for Moroni talking about his weaknesses. ⁣

And yet we sometimes spare ourselves that same loving compassion. ⁣

So let’s try to be more compassionate, forgiving, and patient with our own weaknesses this week. ⁣

To look on our shortcomings the same way a tender, loving parent would. ⁣

The way a loyal friend would. ⁣

The way our perfect, divine, Heavenly Parents do.

Weaknesses are an opportunity for growth and a new chance for us to turn to the Lord and experience a miracle.

“Many of you are endlessly compassionate and patient with the weaknesses of others. Please remember also to be compassionate and patient with yourself.” -Elder Uchtdorf

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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