“You aren’t being called into the bishopric because you are perfect. ⁣

“But you are being called because the Lord knows you are willing to serve. And He loves to call people who have a desire serve.”⁣

I’ll never forget when the member of the Stake presidency said this to my husband.

There was no pretentiousness. ⁣

No holier-than-thou back-patting for his new calling. ⁣

It was just -⁣

You have a desire to serve.

The Lord needs someone who is willing to serve. ⁣

So let’s have you serve in this certain capacity for a while. ⁣

Such a cool way to look at callings, right?⁣

We have to accept a calling, meaning we have to signify that we are willing.⁣

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, even as you desire of me so it shall be unto you; and if you desire, you shall be the means of doing much good in this generation.” (D&C 6:8)

But what about when we don’t have an official calling? Or we want something more than what we’ve been assigned?

If we desire, we can be the means of doing much good in this generation. ⁣

We can talk with God. ⁣

And figure out what we can do.

And let’s be real— our calling can sometimes seem so unimportant. ⁣

So ordinary. ⁣

So mundane. ⁣

Because we don’t see the way God sees. ⁣

The act of service that your little kid will never remember is adding more love into the world and making their life more peaceful. ⁣

The little moment of patience just taught a future leader how to problem-solve on their own. ⁣

The text you sent to a friend that led to a short, unimportant conversation answered their prayers in a way you will never understand.⁣

If we have desires,⁣

If we are willing,⁣

The Lord will use us to accomplish much good. ⁣

So much good. ⁣

And sometimes we have no clue how much good we are creating. ⁣

Only God knows all of it. ⁣

But if we have desires, and we do the best we can, we will put so much good into the world.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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