I reallllly wanted to start a podcast for a couple years.
But I wasn’t really feeling like it was the right time, or that I had enough resources to get it started.
But that desire was underneath everything else that I did.
And then suddenly, the opportunity presented itself, I had the courage to put myself out there BECAUSE of my desire.
Everything fell into place, and I became the co-host of the One Minute Scripture Study podcast in the beginning of 2021 (!!!) with the amazing @kristenwalkersmith.
And boy, did everything feel right.
I had held onto such a strong desire to start a podcast, and now the opportunity was presenting itself, and I felt the Spirit confirm that this was the answer I had been waiting for.
My desire to share my testimony in new ways was the prompting I needed to guide my decisions.
I’ve been really struck by David, Oliver, and Martin’s passionate pleadings this week.
I had always pictured Joseph asking God who the Three Witnesses to the gold plates should be, and then God giving these three men’s names.
But really, David, Oliver, and Martin were all moved with a desire to become one of the witnesses that they knew had been prophesied of.
And they ASKED Joseph to be witnesses to the gold plates.
Section 17 is the result of Joseph asking the Lord if these three men were acceptable for this sacred responsibility, and the Lord approving.
But these weren’t random names that the Lord happened to approve—
Because they each had a burning, righteous desire to be a witness in the first place.
Our righteous desires can be promptings from the Lord on how we can use our talents to build up the kingdom of God.
The righteous, selfless, or useful things that we really want to do?
Those desires can be the first whisperings of the Spirit on what opportunities we should be on the lookout for.
And then we can ask.
We can ask to be included, we can ask to be in consideration.
We can let our righteous desires drive us to righteous action.
Happy Studying!
-Cali Black