“Is my home a safe place for change?”

The first time I heard this question, it made my heart drop a bit.

I mean, I want my home filled with peace and love.

I want everyone to be kind.

I want smooth routines.

I want a clean kitchen before I go to bed. (Most of the time…)

But am I accidentally sending messages to my family members:

“You better not have any sins or weaknesses that rock the boat!”

Life is messy.

My kids need to be able to make mistakes.

My husband needs to be able to have a bad day.

I need to battle my weaknesses.

So, is my home a safe place for all this messiness?

Does everyone feel like they are allowed to change?

Is forgiveness modeled?

Is repentance openly embraced?

The Lord taught Oliver and David exactly what His perspective is:

“And he hath risen again from the dead, that he might bring all men unto him, on conditions of repentance.” (D&C 18:12)

The Lord is joyful when He hears that we want to change!

He allows us to feel the consequences of our actions and learn from our mistakes, but He is ready to look forward.

So, am I creating an environment where I can model this exact approach to repentance and forgiveness in my home?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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