I was a little bit shocked when I learned what most of the curriculum was for my “Living Prophets” class at BYU.
The syllabus said we were literally studying the 15 men (3 in the First Presidency and 12 in the Quorum of 12) who we CURRENTLY sustained as prophets, seers, and revelators.
And it was true!
In that class, we studied about their lives, their careers, their families…
And we studied their most notable talks and messages.
Instead of seeing these men get up in General Conference and then forgetting about them for six months, I found myself studying and learning from their lives and messages.
Just as we would any other important historical or religious figure.
One of my biggest spiritual takeaways from my time at BYU was a deep understanding that what the current prophets say, in their official capacity as prophets, is doctrine.
It is our most current scripture.
“No man becomes president of the church of Jesus Christ by accident, or remains there by chance, or is called home by happenstance.
“The most important prophet, so far as we are concerned, is the one who is living in our day and age.” – Pres Benson, “Teachings of the Presidents”
And in Doctrine and Covenants 21:4-5, the Lord commands the freshly organized church, in relation to Joseph Smith, to:
“Give heed unto all his words and commandments which he shall give unto you as he receiveth them, walking in all holiness before me;
“For his word ye shall receive, as if from mine own mouth.”
President Russell M. Nelson is the prophet that we need to listen to THE MOST today.
He is giving us the Lord’s words for us.
The people in Nephi’s time didn’t need to worry about restoring a church.
And the people with Joseph Smith didn’t need to build a boat.
President Nelson is telling us the most current, up-to-date messages, straight from the Savior.
So… am I following the CURRENT prophet?
Happy Studying!
-Cali Black