Emma desperately needed some comfort.

She made the big decision to be baptized…

But it seemed like as soon as she was baptized, the storms of the adversary blew in with full force.

Hecklers gathered around the baptism site, followed Emma, Joseph, and their friends back into their home, and eventually arrested Joseph.

Emma was afraid.

She prayed with other women for her husband for two days.

Finally, Joseph was released.

The two of them escaped back to Harmony.

She knew their family had felt opposition before, but this was a new level.

She needed comfort because her desire to follow her heart and move forward with joining the Church seemed to add even more struggles.

And so Emma was given a divine revelation.

She was called by her name.

She was told, “Behold, thy sins are forgiven thee, and thou art an elect lady, whom I have called.” (D&C 25:3)

God knew how difficult Emma’s past few months had been and how much more difficult they would become.

So He comforted her and promised her blessings.

He also told her she had some duties and responsibilities.

It was the exact divine message that she needed after her trials.

God sees us in our trials.

He always remembers His elect daughters and sons.

He knows when we need comfort.

He knows when we need encouragement.

And He knows when we need to be invited to do more.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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