Bringing his might into battle

God doesn’t take away our battles.

Zeniff’s people had to fight against the Lamanites.

Zeniff helped his people become good, righteous, and industrious.

And still, the Lamanites came.

He armed them with all sorts of weapons.

And still, people died.

And each day, on large and small scales, we are facing battles.

No matter how righteous we are.

No matter how much we have prepared and defend ourselves.

Real damage is done to our lives from these battles of all sizes that we are up against.

The difference between the wicked Lamanites and the righteous people of Zeniff?

The people of Zeniff went forth with God’s might.

Both groups experienced the battle.

But only one had God’s might and power with them.

I find this so comforting when going through all of my personal battles, both physical and emotional.

I have God on my side.

To strengthen me. To make the damage not quite as bad as it could be. To help me prepare even more.

And I feel that calm and peace as I go forward, into battle, with his might.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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