Leading and speaking with power

Alma the Younger used his strong speaking skills to tear the church apart.

It seems like Alma was a natural-born leader. The sons of Mosiah followed him, and he was able to convince many people that their parents had foolish traditions.

And then guess what was happening just a few short years later?

Alma the Younger used his strong speaking skills to unite, baptize, and convert countless Nephites as their high priest.

It seems like he was a natural-born leader. Amulek followed him, and he was able to convince many people of the errors of their ways.

He had talents. Innate, God-given talents.

But it was up to Alma how he used them.

What talents have we been blessed with?

Speaking, writing, teaching, listening, helping, knowing what others need, leading, getting things done, creating, making friends, solving…

Are we using these talents for good?

Are we using them for evil?

Or… are we not using them at all?

The world needs what we have to offer. God needs us to grow and develop what He gave us.

To build up the world.

To build up the church.

To build up our families.

To build up ourselves.

Because we matter, and the talents that we have matter.

And what we decide to do with them matters, a whole lot.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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