When I played soccer growing up, I always liked to play in defensive positions.

Coaches may or may not have put me in those positions due to my less-than-speedy running rate, but I ended up loving these positions the most!

As the fast and athletic forwards were trying to score goals, my attention was always on the other team and how they could try to steal the ball away.

I was playing a game of strategy the entire time.

I was actually a pretty good goalie, and I attribute that to the fact that I never breathed a sigh of relief when it seemed like our team was in good hands.

I think sometimes we think that if we are up front or intentional with talking about sin in our lives, that it might invite more sin in.

Wouldn’t it just be easier to pretend like everything is fine all the time?

But virtually every knowledge source, from child development experts to the scriptures, remind us that we HAVE to be up front and intentional about driving out bad habits and sins in our lives.

When we see the wolf, drive it out!

When we feel temptation to search for bad things on the internet, we talk about our struggles and set up safeguards.

When we see that poor communication is happening with our spouse, we call it out for what it is and try to improve together.

When we see that our self esteem is taking a hit and we start wallowing in our pride of being worse off than everyone else, we start unfollowing accounts that make us feel less-than, and we surround ourselves with things that remind us of our worth.

When we see the wolf, we have to call it a wolf. We can’t ignore it.

And then we can drive it out.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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