We just want to be comfortable, right?

I want to do things that bring me joy and make me feel comfortable.

I want eat food that makes me feel comfortable.

I want to earn an income where I can live a comfortable life.

Which means, the sins and the bad habits that I have in my life are ones that usually keep me feeling comfortable.

Sister Elaine S. Dalton taught, “Move outside your comfort zones. Push yourselves. Expect more.”

It can be scary to give up our sins because it means giving up a lifestyle that is just comfortable.

And yet the Lord beckons us to fear not.

To not be afraid to be uncomfortable.

To not be afraid to let go and grow.

It can be scary to give up a comfortable life.

But it doesn’t have to be.

Because on the other side of comfort and sin, is pure love and joy.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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