We all love a good coincidence story.

Which is why the reunion in Alma 17 seems so sweet.

After fourteen years apart, Alma runs into Mosiah’s sons while traveling on the road.

Fourteen years ago, these boys caused chaos together, and then had a miraculous conversion together.

And then, 14 years later, they ran into each other again!

How random!

Except, we know that God doesn’t do random.

God does “divine design”.

Although this might have seemed random to Alma, the sons of Mosiah were actually desperate to find a home for the newly converted Anti-Nephi-Lehies that they were leading away from the rest of the Lamanites.

They needed help, and God put Alma in their path.

“You and I may call these intersectings ‘coincidence.’ This word is understandable for mortals to use, but coincidence is not an appropriate word to describe the workings of an omniscient God.” – Neal A. Maxwell

Running into a friend at the store is never random.

Connecting with someone over Facebook is never random.

Seeing a job opportunity, applying, and getting it is never random.

Moving to a new place is never random.

My current life has been created by thousands of little puzzle pieces, each one seeming to connect with another by sheer coincidence.

I still often refer to starting this Instagram account and website as “random” decisions I made after a prompting, but I’m working on changing that mindset.

Because each little puzzle piece is designed by a God who knows everything and who loves me. He even knows how I’m going to use my agency.

He sees the big picture, and He makes sure each little piece will build off of the previous one.

Because God doesn’t do random.

Share your favorite “no such thing as random” story below, and take some time today to reflect on the small “coincidences” that have shaped you.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



14 Responses

  1. Many years ago, I was going to therapy over something that was very painful. My therapist told me that I needed to share what I was going through with other people before I could begin healing. The next morning as I was getting ready for work, I was sobbing trying to put on my makeup but it was coming off as fast as I could put it on. I cried out in desperation “heavenly father I need a friend.” At that very instant, the phone rang and on the other line was a dear friend of mine who lived in another state. She said to me Ava, what is wrong?? Last night I had a dream I looked into your face and you were very sad. Please tell me what is going on. Of course, I was able to share my pain with my friend and begin the healing process. One of the many miracles God has given me

  2. My husband and I both went to high schools near each other in Oregon and never met. I am sure we attended some of the same functions. We were introduce on a bus in England on our missions. Didn’t think anything of it at all. He got home nine months before I did. My dad was serving with the YSA in our region when my husband got home he went up to my dad and said do you have a daughter serving in England? He said yes. I got home nine months later and we met at a YSA activity. We went on one date and have been married 35 years. Our paths cross many times I don’t believe in coincidences.

      1. I am recently divorced from a marriage of 21 years. I whole heartedly believe that everything happened at this precise moment for a reason. Everything to finding the right attorney, my kid’s age in life, the way I found out about the betrayals, new job opportunities, everything, it all led to what Heavenly Father knew I needed at this exact time in my life. Every puzzle piece fit perfect. The people and friends that have “popped”
        up along the way to give me comfort and strength I know were sent from God at the exact moment I needed them. I remember sitting in a Costa Vida drive through asking God “how am I suppose to get through this? Are you even listening, you have so many children, how can you be with me in my time of need?” Then the car in front of me paid for our dinner. Coincidence? No way, not a chance. That was God’s way of showing me he WAS there and this small, simple gesture was such a testimony builder for my kids and I!

  3. My husband and I went to the same college. We were both Biology majors with minors in Chemistry and were on music scholarships. He played in the band and I played in the orchestra. We even played in a recording together one Christmas. I moved to a new apartment with an old roommate. When I went to pay my first rent, he was there. My first comment was, “haven’t I seen you somewhere before”? I felt like I already knew him. He shared the gospel with me, baptized me and served a mission. We were married in the temple when he came home. That was 48 years ago.

  4. Several years ago, one of my Sisters (who had gone through some serious life struggles) had gotten married to a man that was in the army. Shortly after their wedding they had to move for his military duty. My sister and her 3 young children from a previous violent marriage moved with unknown thoughts . Her new husband had to leave for 6 months shortly after moving to Japan. So now she was a newly wed , with 3 young children, in a foreign country. Of coarse on an American base but still, s kind of scary right!? Anyways as I mentioned earlier how she had gone through scary life struggles, I and the rest of family were concerned for her well being. She was so scared and unsure how to live in this new life. She hurt so much and from her previous life she suffered depression. Skip ahead a few months later. A nephew on my husband’s family side, was called to serve a mission for the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints. His call was to serve in Japan. At his fair well , I felt the desire to ask him if he would find my sister and help her come back into the Gospel fold. He was thinking I was silly for saying that at the time as well as myself. I thought how crazy that was, well to cut this shorter, my sister had called in a panic one day about an earthquake that had happened . I prayed with her and desperately asked her to find where her church building took place. She said she ended up finding her branch. The Sunday she went, there was my husband’s nephew (Elder Mosdell) and his mission companion. She asked him if he was related to the Mosdell’s in Utah. Yes he said and she said she was my sister. Well his side of the story was that he had been farther away from this base serving well. He had baptisms lined up and received a call of transfer before that all happened. He was discouraged and couldn’t understand why he was being transferred after doing so well. He was told that they needed a zone leader in the at he was going to. When he got there the position had been filled and he broke down again still confused why. That Sunday my sister found him was a straight answer. He ended up baptizing my sister’s oldest child who was 9 at the time. She then was able to enjoy peace for a season. This story continues but I think I would blow up the comment section. I would love to share though sometime.

    1. Oh wow! What a cool story! Especially with the disappointment from the nephew. I think that happens so often, where we think our plans are being ruined, but God is just showing us an even cooler way to bless others! Thank you for sharing.

  5. When I was considering marrying my first husband, I felt that I needed to back away and move to Houston to be able to remove myself for a little while to make sure I was making the right decision. I didn’t and married him only to divorce after 15 years. Then I did move to Houston not long after only to “meet” someone online and we hit it off right away. He was from Nigeria and had also considered moving to Houston 15 years before but got married instead. After he divorced he moved to Houston not long before meeting me. He would have been there at the time I was to originally moved to Houston and perhaps we were to meet at that time and didn’t. We were married for 20 years after that

  6. I now know how the little puzzle pieces all come together.

    One puzzle piece:
    My best friend in High School and I joined the Army and went through both Basic Training and medical training together. During medical training, I got Bell’s Palsy and missed classes when hospitalized. My friend got transferred to Ft. Benning, GA. I was supposed to also go there, but it was a week later before I got transferred due to making up missed classes. I arrived at Ft. Benning and found that I was rooming with her. I was engaged to a man back home and when she came in after supper and said that I just had to go on her double date that night as the girl that was supposed to go with them had left already. I said no, but she immediately made me get ready and pulled me by the wrist over to meet my date. Afterwards, she made my date kiss me good night and when he did, he asked me out the next day. Later, my friend asked me what I thought of him. (Note: I was a non-member at the time and engaged to that man back home.) I had no idea where what came out of my mouth then came from. (I know now.) I told her that “If that man ever asks me to marry him, I’m going to say yes!” Thirty six hours later, he proposed and I said yes. He was from FL and I was from MA. We were married 25 days after we met. When we were discharged, we went to FL to live for awhile and then to MA.

    Another puzzle piece:
    While in MA, I came down with Adult onset Asthma. The Dr. finally said to move where there was less humidity. I had a humidity map of the country and kept coming back to Pueblo, CO as to where we needed to move.

    Another puzzle piece:
    In Pueblo, I got really sick with my asthma and had to be hospitalized. While there, I became friendly with one of my Respiratory Therapists. When she found out about my medical training, she said that I could get on the job training there in Respiratory Therapy. I got the job and worked nights. One night, I was invited to eat my lunch with a lady over in Central Supply. I went. She asked me about my husband and three children and when I told her about Fred still out of work after a back injury and the kids holes in their shoes, she said that she had some Mormon friends that help people and invited my husband and our 3 children over to their house on Monday night. (I knew nothing about Family Home Evenings then.) We went. She had me open the door for two young men that rode up on their bikes. As each one introduced themselves to me, I wondered why they had the same first name and commented on it. Yes! I actually said it!! I had no clue. The nice boys gave us a message that I now know was the 1st Discussion from the 1976 flip chart they had as a teaching tool We had refreshments and went home. The next day, two sisters with the same first name showed up at our house. They said that my friend and the Elders were in a different Ward, so they were so blessed to be able to visit us. They taught us all the discussions and we were baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints!!!! Because of that, all 7 of us were all sealed together as a family for Time and all Eternity. I am 78 yrs. old and in assisted living. I have survived my husband and 3 of our 5 children now, but the peace, happiness and joy that I feel every day remains with me because we are an eternal family.

    I finally can see how all the little pieces came together now that I read your study tip on God Does Not Do Random. May our Heavenly Father richly bless you for all your timely Study Tips!!!! Thank you so much!!!!

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