Trials and troubles of every kind

I was headed to a job interview.

I had my outfit all picked out in my head and was waiting to get changed.

And as it was time to get ready to go, I went to my closet to get dressed… and the blouse I wanted was curled up in a ball on the floor by the dirty clothes hamper.

It hadn’t been washed, it was wrinkled beyond repair, and I couldn’t wear it.

Panic set in.

This was a disaster. This was going to ruin my chance at this job. (In my mind!)

Immediately, I folded my arms and said a quick prayer.

I found a new shirt I felt confident about and was in my car just a few minutes later.

As I was driving to the interview, I was praying that I would interview well, that I would get the job if it was His will…

And then I laughed a bit.

Had I really just prayed about what shirt I was wearing?!

The silliness of it hit me. The shirt I was wearing at that point was totally fine – why did I freak out when the other shirt was dirty? Why did I feel like I needed to pray about it?

This is my favorite thing that I’ve learned about my loving Father in Heaven!

There’s nothing too big and nothing too small for Him to care about.

If it matters to you, it matters to Him.

In that moment, the loss of my “perfect” blouse was really important and devastating to me.

And it may have seemed silly, but I believe with that little prayer that I said in my closet, I was guided toward another shirt that I would feel confident in.

Every single kind of trial and trouble that we can have – from losing a loved one to not being able to wear a particular shirt – our Savior will support us though.

Not solve the problem or take away the pain necessarily.

But He supports us.

I bet He looked down at me with a little smile when I prayed about that shirt, but He still cared enough to help.

I, too, as Alma, have been supported under trials and troubles of every kind.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. I was a homeschooling mom of 6 and had a very busy week ahead of me. With so much going on I saw no possible way for me to find time to mop my very dirty kitchen floor. It seems silly that I was stressing about that but when you are sleep deprived and overwhelmed a dirty kitchen floor can be a big thing.

    I prayed that I would somehow find time to get the kitchen floor cleaned and got started with our day. That afternoon we had Co-op where I taught the preschoolers and all my kids each had a group that they attended during the same 2-hour block of time. Just after starting our day however it became apparent that my toddler was feeling sick and I couldn’t bring him and expose the whole group to whatever it was. I ended up getting a sub to teach the preschool group, dropping off all my other kids for their classes, and the sick toddler and I returned home. I put him on the couch with a video and had two hours to sweep and scrub that kitchen floor.

    It was not what I had planned but it truly was a much-needed answer to a prayer. I think that more than getting the floor mopped the important message that the Lord sent me that day was that if the Lord would help me with that seemingly insignificant problem he will surely be there for the big ones!

    1. Oh man, this story is beautiful. Thank you for sharing! He really is there with us in those little moments.

  2. I had a son I was extremely scared about, it didn’t seem I could help him. I had prayed many times about him, then one day I prayed a prayer that made me cry….”Heavenly Father bring him to his knees and into a dark space to humble him”. It was the most painful prayer I offered. He answered on Sunday, my beloved son called to tell me he was seeking help. I cried knowing how much pain he was in but grateful my loving Heavenly Father knew my needs to preserve my son. I still cry but they are tears of joy to know I may again see my son healthy. He truly hears every prayer and loves me enough to let me see my son fall so I can bring him back to the amazing son of God I love beyond words.

    1. This is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing. It seems so little, but it is so important to us! <3

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