One of the most abhorrently wicked cities in the Nephite lands was Ammonihah.

Alma tried preaching here, but left because no one was listening.

Amulek joined him and they were able to convert a few people.

But then the head of the government in that city rounded up all the believers.

The men were cast out and stoned.

And the women and children were burned.

Pure evil.

Alma prophesied of the city’s impending destruction, and pretty soon, Lamanite armies launched a surprise attack.

They completely decimated the city. All the inhabitants were killed. There were too many bodies to bury, so the city just stank.

No one wanted to go near it.

Eventually, people started inhabiting that land again, but it was a weak city. It had been gutted, and it wasn’t easy to rebuild.

So when the Lamanites wanted to attack again, they knew exactly which city would give them the easy win and build momentum.


But when they got there, they were astonished.

This city had been rebuilt and fortified in a manner in which no city had ever been fortified before.

An easy win turned into a powerhouse stronghold, and the Lamanites turned away without even trying.

I have many weak places.

I have sins. I have weaknesses. I am a fallen woman.

But what does Christ do?

He makes weak things become strong.

He takes my sins, any hint of evil desire, and He cuts it down. He destroys it.

But then He builds.

He restores.

He strengthens.

The sin from my past now becomes my strength. I am able to connect and empathize with those who struggle with the same things. I am able to see evil for what it is. I am able to warn and teach.

I have been rebuilt, and now I will not fall.


Because of my Savior.

Because I talk about Him, and read about Him. I think about Him, and serve Him.

He allowed His mortal body to be totally destroyed.

So that I can be rebuilt, stronger than before.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



One Response

  1. I had never made the connection that it was the same city Alma and Amulek were imprisoned and the believers burned. What powerful insight that it went from being so totally wicked, to being destroyed, and then becoming a righteous stronghold. You are very good at finding those details and seeing the lesson that applies to us today. Thank you for sharing!

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