The Spirit of God like a fire is burning.

The people in Nephi and Lehi’s prison were surrounded by darkness.

“They were overshadowed with a cloud of darkness, and an awful solemn fear.” (Hel. 5:28)


And then Aminadab remembered something from his youth.


Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ dispels darkness.

And so he told the others to cry until they had faith in Christ.

The cloud of darkness was dispersed.

And they were all encircled by a pillar of fire.

“They were filled with that joy which is unspeakable and full of glory.” (Hel. 5:44)

Calling upon Christ dispelled darkness in the most literal sense.

And calling upon Christ can dispel every kind of darkness that we have.

But the cool part is that he doesn’t just dispel the darkness.

He replaces the darkness with light and power.

With unspeakable joy and unexplainable peace.

We feel like singing and shouting with the armies of heaven.

It’s that feeling that you just can’t prove to anyone else when you feel it.

And unfortunately, we can sometimes later convince ourselves we never felt it in the first place.

But it is as undeniable in the moment as if fire literally surrounded us and we conversed with angels.

It’s the full presence of the Spirit of God.

And so when we feel that darkness closing in and weighing us down, we need to remember where to turn in order to see again.

And that is toward Jesus Christ.

He dispels the darkness and gives us an abundance of his Spirit in its place.

Artwork by Brent Borup.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



5 Responses

  1. I may have mentioned into some of my comments that I am a convert to the church. Before my baptism and over the many years of my gross, I have experienced much turmoil, how much sorrow, much unhappiness. But now, even when I have been given devastating news from my only son, I just feel total peace. I’ve even asked myself if I was in denial. But I know that it is from a great amazing hard to explain source that I receive such peace. I believe in Him who heals all wounds because Je died for those wounds. I love your little snippets. They are very thought-provoking. They are words that I can’t speak yet they’re in my mind, so I appreciate you voicing them for me.

    1. I love that! Thank you for sharing! I agree, that peace is there even when it seems like the world is falling apart! <3

  2. Hi Cali! God bless you for what you are doing with this! I have read the Book of Mormon many times, but with the help of your study snippets, it has helped me tremendously, to better Understand, and to “liken the scriptures to” myself. This has been a life saver, a testimony builder during this Pandemic, when we are unable to meet together! Thank you sooooo much for all your hard work and sharing your knowledge and understanding of the Gospel.

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