What Samuel, the Lamanite, experienced:

He shared his message while standing on a wall. After he finished, some people got really angry and starting throwing rocks and shooting arrows at him. He knew he was being protected by the power of God, but he also knew his mission was complete. When the Nephites started moving forward to capture him, he jumped down from the wall and decided to just preach to his fellow Lamanites.

What actually happened:

There were MANY people who heard Samuel’s words and believed instantly. They knew exactly what they needed to do next: find the high priest Nephi. They found Nephi and confessed their sins to him. He baptized many of them and continued to teach them as they developed their testimonies. Nephi was able to show them signs and great wonders as the time of Christ’s birth approached.

Nephi got to see most of the fruits of Samuel’s labors.

We don’t know exactly how much Samuel knew about the positive results of his mission, but I’m going to guess that he wasn’t on that wall for very long before people wanted to silence him.

This seems to be a pretty common pattern.

Some people do a lot of preparing and teaching… and don’t see many results.

And other people see miraculous results… from people who had already been prepared.

I think of worn-down parents who feel like they aren’t getting through to their kid – and the youth leader who compliments them on their vast gospel knowledge.

I think of neighbors who share kindness and little gospel messages for years before moving – and the missionaries who get to teach and baptize later on.

We’ve got different roles to play at different times.

Samuel spent the rest of his life teaching his own people, and probably witnessing first hand the success and impact he was having.

He may have looked back on his unique wall-preaching experience as faith-building, but not a success.

And Nephi himself had experienced plenty of times where the people wouldn’t listen to him.

And yet when Samuel came, Nephi was able to organize a large group of saints and see the beautiful fruits of his work.

Times and seasons.

If you are being a Samuel right now, don’t give up. The fruits will come.

And if you are being a Nephi, give praise and rejoice in the goodness of God and others who cleared the way.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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