How do we, as members of the Church of Jesus Christ, abandon both our attitudes and actions of prejudice?

I have to admit that while I feel very passionately about sharing some of my thoughts on this, I don’t want to imply that I think I’ve gotten this all figured out, or that this list is exhaustive. I welcome any additional comments and suggestions.

  • Listen to others without thinking of a rebuttal. When people say they feel uncomfortable in a certain situation, avoid telling them that they are wrong because you don’t experience it, and instead just listen and empathize.
  • Volunteer in spaces that make you uncomfortable, so that you can experience how others might feel “out of place” in settings where you feel comfortable.
  • Expose your children to other cultures in natural and normal ways. Have toys, books, and media that show people who don’t look like your family.
  • Elder Cook said: “As leaders, we are not under the illusion that in the past all relationships were perfect, all conduct was Christlike, or all decisions were just.” So we can avoid trying to justify everything in the past, instead acknowledging that it might be uncomfortable to hear.
  • See other people’s various races and cultures, and celebrate or ask about them. “Unity and diversity are not opposites.” – Elder Cook.
  • Remember that “Child of God” is everyone’s top identity. We promote unity by seeing others as He sees them.
  • Humbly pray for help: Help to see your own harmful attitudes and actions, and help to know how to fix them.
  • Invite an abundance of Christ into your life. When we expose ourselves to our Savior’s words and teachings often and sincerely, we can’t help but feel natural love for those around us – although, this may take a lifetime for the process to occur, just as ridding ourselves of any other sin.

“I plead with you to promote respect for all of God’s children.” – President Nelson

I believe that our church can be a light on the hill for how to treat everyone with respect and love – but it will take a lot of work on all of our parts.

And the Lord loves effort. Because effort brings reward.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. I loved that he pointed out that race is not on our church records. We are all just brother’s and sisters and children of God.

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