Mormon refused to be the military leader for any longer.

Not out of hatred, or disgust, or annoyance.

But out of love.

I… had loved them, according to the love of God which was in me, with all my heart;

And my soul had been poured out in prayer unto my God all the day long for them.” (Mormon 3:12)

Mormon literally gives us a little masterclass in setting healthy boundaries.

He loved his people so much. And he loved God so much. And he probably loved himself and his family, too.

And with that love in his heart, he had to say no.

Saying “no” isn’t bad. It isn’t a sin. (Sometimes we need that reminder, right?!)

Saying “no” because you want to hurt someone, or you don’t care about their situation… that’s probably not great.

Saying “no” because you love someone, and need to protect your own inner peace (or maybe even your life) is amazing and necessary.

BUT THEN skip ahead to Mormon chapter 5. Verse 1.

13 or so years later, Mormon says that he will lead them again.

He changes his promise (or “repents of the oath”) and returns to his position as military commander.

What was his mindset like now?

I was without hope, for I knew the judgments of the Lord which should come upon them”. (Mormon 5:2)

While this sounds a little despondent, I actually see a leader who has now set realistic expectations for how he will interact with his troops, who are probably many of his dear friends.

He knows that destruction is imminent.

And yet, his love has now brought him to want to lead again, to at least give them a fighting chance, and to fulfill his duty. Maybe he even felt “called” to do this now.

Such a cool pattern, right?!

He felt so much love that he had to say “no” for a while.

And then he felt so much love, adjusted his expectations, and decided he was ready to say, “yes”!

Life coaching straight from the scriptures, everyone.

We can set boundaries in love, and we can change boundaries later, still out of love.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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