As I’ve run @comefollowmestudy for the past 2 years, I’ve gotten tons of messages that are similar to something like this:

“I’ve totally fallen behind on the assigned readings! I feel so overwhelmed/inadequate/frustrated!”

Sound familiar to anyone out there?!

You are NOT alone if you have ever fallen behind – whether it’s one week or many months.

Like… not alone at all!

But here’s my favorite advice that I always share to those who fall behind that you may or may not agree with:

Stop trying to catch up, and just join us where we are!

My reasoning?

The gospel is so repetitive.

You are NOT going to miss some big essential gospel truth that you never would have learned about if you didn’t read one particular chapter!

If you missed us talking about personal revelation and asking questions last week, you will most certainly hear about it again pretty soon.

I think about Joseph experiencing the Angel Moroni coming to his room 3 times in one night and telling him the same words.

And then appearing to him the next day to remind him to tell his father.

And then Joseph going to Hill Cumorah, only to be told that he can’t take the plates yet, but needs to return the next year. And then the next. And then the next.

This gospel is so repetitive in the best way possible!

We can learn about charity and service as a little kid.

And then it can take on new meaning as we learn a lesson on charity in Young Women’s.

And then after a loved one passes away, those charity lessons become even sweeter.

Repetition is the way we learn.

Secular lessons. Spiritual lessons. Life lessons.

So I’m working on feeling more gratitude for repetition.

Instead of, “Well, another lesson about Sabbath day observance.”

I’m trying, “Sweet. I’m so grateful I get to learn this at a deeper understanding than I ever have before!”

The gospel is repetitive. Thank goodness.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



8 Responses

  1. Thank you so much, yes I fell behind, but now feel better after reading your message.
    I won’t worry about catching up, just read from now on and if I miss a week, I’ll get back on track quicker by studying the most up to date message
    Thank you

  2. I am so thankful for repetition in learning about our Savior. I need and enjoying learning and I learn best by scriptures and stories that repeat and reinforce gospel principles so that they will be firmly planted in our hearts and minds to help strengthen and protect us when we need them the most!

    Thank you Cali for your bringing to us your wisdom and knowledge as a result of your repetitive studies of the scriptures and gospel. We appreciate you so much.

  3. Your words encourage and lift and draw me closer to the Savior. Thank you for the thought and effort and inspiration that you share. They are a valuable aid to my personal study of the scriptures.

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