There are a lot of tragedies in the world right now – so how do you decide where to spend your time and energy?

I’ve had this overwhelming emotion in my life plenty of times – where there are so many people that I know who are in need of help or love, but there’s no way that I can reasonably help everyone.

And yet, my heart shows me the way.

I truly believe that our natural desires and intuitions are often Heavenly Father’s way of showing us our personal path.

I usually feel drawn to just a couple people who I know that I can help.

My heart is turned toward them.

I feel that godly love for them, I feel compelled to action, and I know my energy is being spent in the right way.

Family history work is not a topic that I am amazing at. At all.

But I want my heart to be turned to my predecessors.

I want to feel that pull, to love them, to be compelled to action on their behalf…


Because I think it’s a beautiful concept.

Starting from Father Adam and Mother Eve, God has done nothing but pour out blessings and covenants upon those who remember Him.

And yet, I feel that the adversary tries to convince me that I am completely isolated in my faith journey – I can only look at what has happened to me and what miracles I’ve seen as evidence.

But when my heart is turned to my mothers and fathers, from immediate to distant relatives, I remember that I’m not alone.

Just as I hope my children can rely on the strength of their family members, and so on.

We have help. We have people, both on this earth and on the other side, cheering us on.

And when we allow our hearts to be turned, filled with love and action, we can feel that tender reminder that we are not alone.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. The best way to get the bug (family history) is to take Nike’s motto, ‘Just do It’. As you do it, you will get excited and feel the love that your family in the spirit world has for you. They will urge you. It’s just that simple.

  2. I love doing family history. My ancestors are very diverse. I was born in Jamaica and have ancestors from England, Ireland, Wales and Scotland, Nigeria, I woke up one morning from a dream in which I saw this very interesting individual all dressed in Scottish regalia. His hair was snowy white with a big white mouthstache. He wore a tartan and a tam. He looked at me as proud as can be and said, “Scottish!” He then disappeared. I still do not who he is.

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