What is the very first piece mentioned for putting on the armor of God?

In D&C 27:16, the Lord teaches Joseph that the very first step of putting on the armor of God is:

“Stand, therefore, having your loins girt about with truth”.

We need to know the Truth. The essential gospel Truths that have led us to where we are, and will keep us going through the eternities.

But I think that Satan wants us to sometimes forget that we need to also TELL the truth.

Because not telling the truth seems pretty darn tempting sometimes.

Not so much in the “I ate your candy and I’m not going to tell you” kind of way, although sometimes that is a temptation. 😉

But more in the temptation to spin truths or withhold information in a way that keeps the peace.

Like staying quiet even when we feel uncomfortable about a situation.

Saying “great” when someone asks how we are doing.

Or needing so much more help and support, but not saying anything about it.

Being honest and telling the truth in ALL things that we do brings So. Much. Peace.

Asking for what we want.

Telling our spouse when we need more help.

Letting a friend know that we are not okay.

It seems scary.

It seems vulnerable.

But that’s what we really need in order to connect with each other.

To stop pretending like everything is okay, and to live messy, emotion-filled lives with each other, serving everyone we possibly can.

In the Gospel Topics entry on Honesty, we learn:

“When we are honest in every way, we are able to enjoy peace of mind and maintain self-respect.

“We build strength of character, which allows us to be of service to God and others.”

(And as a caveat, I personally don’t believe that “rudeness” under the guise of “honesty” is necessary at all. The truth can always be spoken with love and kindness.)

So how can we open ourselves up to being just a little more honest and truthful with the people around us?

Because bringing peace of mind and peace of the heart is the first step to arming ourselves in the battle against falsehoods from the adversary.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. I think each piece of armor mentioned and the place on the body it is intended to protect is for a very specific reason.
    The first – girding our loins with truth has to do with the truth of reproduction. The Lord refers to it as the “fruit of our loins”. Our ability to conceive and give birth is the only God-given power he has given to us and must only be used on His terms as He has directed.
    The truth we must know is:
    * Families are eternal, therefore we must only use this power within the marriage covenant. We are to be clean and pure and marry in the temple for time and eternity and bring forth children – loving them, nurturing them and teaching them gospel principles and how to live a righteous life. Without this truth, the world (Satan) will teach us otherwise and try to get us to misuse this power (sleep around), destroy our children (abortion), forego marriage and just live together and spend more time pursuing a career or other activities rather than spending time with and teaching our children.

    1. Yes, totally agree! Each location and virtue assigned to it are definitely relevant <3 thanks for sharing!

  2. Thank you! This gave me several things to think about and consider about being honest in ways I hadn’t considered. I enjoy your insights, your smile and enthusiasm and the time you spend to share with us!

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