A few weeks ago, Quin found a book that she had lost for a long time.

It’s a kids’ board book about Jesus visiting the Nephites, and it has a giant picture of Jesus on the front cover.

She calls it her “scriptures” or her “Jesus book”.

She was SO excited to find it.

And then we all piled into the car to get some groceries from the store.

As I pulled her out of her carseat, she grabbed her book, which she had, of course, brought in the car.

We started walking toward the main doors for the store, and a man was out there greeting and handing out carts.

Quin raised the book up high and said to the man:

“Look! I found my Jesus book!”

The man gave an awkward smile.

I quickly walked her inside the store and felt pretty embarrassed.

And then… I felt really sad about how embarrassed I was.

Why did I care what that man thought of my daughter and me?

I want her to learn to be comfortable talking about Jesus in front of other people and sharing her little testimony.

And yet, in the rush of the moment, I lost sight of that and only focused on caring about what someone else thought.

When the Lord talks about James Covel in D&C 40:2, the Lord teaches us that one reason James decided not to join the church was due to “fear… of the cares of the world”.

Are we afraid of being “that person” who talks about Jesus all the time?

Of course, I personally want to share my testimony of Jesus with tact and respect. Intentionally making others feel awkward is never something I aspire to do.

But I also want to never be held down by the “cares of the world” when it comes to sharing my testimony.

If you know me, Cali Black, you know that I talk about Jesus, and that’s just how it is.

I think there’s a reason we’ve been asked to leave the cares of the world behind, and to only focus on our Savior.

I think it’s because at the end of the day, when we pass on from this life, the cares of the world will no longer hold any meaning.

But our relationship with our Savior will have all the meaning in the world.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. Thanks so much for this thought. I know I would respond as you did and I also don’t want to. I hope these thoughts will help me to remember whose feelings I truly care about.

  2. I know why your little one was so happy to find her “Jesus” book, she has a mommy who has taught her about Jesus and shows her love for him. Good for you!

    1. Oh thanks! I try my best haha, but it’s good to get little reminders that at least something is getting through to her!

  3. Maybe Quinn’s comment about finding her “Jesus BooK” sank into his mind; and he thought of Jesus Christ, after your encounter with him. It may have triggered memories for him. Bless your sweet daughter; keep teaching her about Jesus; you are a wonderful mom!

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