Growing up, my family loved to watch American Idol.

After a strong performance, my mom and my sisters would say, “Wow, they were so good!”

And my dad and I would start analyzing everything.

“Well, on that big note, she was actually a bit under the pitch.”

“You could tell he was totally out of breath there.”

For sure, it was obnoxious to watch American Idol with us. Sorry fam.

But… we just had an ear for that kind of stuff. Things that other people didn’t even notice.

And just to prove that I’m not THAT prideful, I’m the exact opposite with cooking.

If I’m eating food with someone and they start commenting on the exact texture that didn’t turn out properly, or the salt that’s missing, I’m usually oblivious. If it tastes good enough to me, I’m fine with it.

In Doctrine and Covenants 45:28-29, the Lord teaches the Saints that out of the darkness, there will be light that will shine through.

BUT! There will also be some who receive it not. “For they perceive not the light”.

So here’s the question I’ve been thinking about recently:

Am I perceiving the light around me?

I KNOW that there is light and goodness all around me, in my scriptures, in the temple, in my interactions with others, in my family…

But am I tuned in to all the nuances enough to even notice the light?

Do I recognize a really good singer because they seem “good enough”, or is it because I actually notice all the little techniques they have mastered in order to actually be amazing?

Do I eat a meal thinking it “tastes great”, or do I actually recognize the balance of flavors, texture of the meat, and savor the seasonings?

Am I walking through my day, thinking that it was a “good day”, or am I constantly seeing the hand of God reaching out, filling my mind with clarity, my heart with peace, and strengthening me?

I am surrounded by light.

So am I aware enough to perceive it?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. Having a gratitude journal and writing it down throughout the day helps me to see the details in the lords day. It’s like mini reset points in the day. I use my phone to record since it’s always with me. The notes section of the gospel library app has been working out for me.

    1. I’ve found that a gratitude journal is lifechanging. Knowing I will be writing in it at the end of the day makes me more aware of God’s blessings throughout the day on a constant basis.

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