About 2 ½ years ago, I was sitting on my couch on a Sunday morning, super excited about this brand new Come, Follow Me curriculum.

I had been studying the assigned scriptures already all week long, and I had loved them.

Even though we were starting with the New Testament, that first week in January actually had us studying from various books of scripture about being self-motivated in our scripture study.

I pulled out my phone that Sunday morning to text some Young Women and remind them to study the assigned Come, Follow Me scriptures.

Suddenly, I had the thought to search for an Instagram account that they could follow.

I pictured some kind of account where someone was posting little spiritual thoughts each day inspired by that week’s scriptures.

I searched on Instagram and… nothing.

All of a sudden, a thought popped into my mind: “Maybe YOU should start the account.”

I’m pretty sure I laughed. I’m not really an “Instagram” type person.

But… it also kinda sounded fun, PLUS I have always loved talking about the scriptures and sharing personal applications.

But wait… that would be weird to start an Instagram account and like, ask people to follow me.

Should I really do this?!

And then guess what scripture popped into my mind?

Now, I want to be clear. Guess which scripture the Holy Spirit brought to my mind as a way of communicating a powerful lesson that I needed to hear immediately?

It was one of the assigned scriptures that I had already been studying that introductory week.

Doctrine and Covenants 58:26-27:

“For behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things…

“Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness;”

It suddenly seemed so simple.

Would this be a righteous thing that would put good into the world?

Would I be using my own free will to be anxiously engaged in God’s work?

Then I didn’t need to be commanded to do it.

I could just decide to do it, purely because I wanted to, and because it was good.

So I opened up Instagram, and started @comefollowmestudy.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



24 Responses

  1. I am so glad that you decided to do this. I truly enjoy your thoughts on the scriptures of the week. You make me think and ponder. Thx again.

  2. And me and my husband are so glad that you did. We love reading or hearing your thoughts on the scriptures. ????

  3. I’m personally so glad you did!!!
    Thank you for daily inspiration. I’m going through a VERY stressful time (husband illness).
    May God continue to inspire you.
    Thank you again!

  4. And we’re so glad you did!!!
    Thank you!!
    By small and simple things are great things brought to pass ????

    1. Yay! I’m so glad you are enjoying studying the scriptures with Come, Follow Me. That is the best outcome!

  5. Thank you for following that inspiration. I am regularly inspired, chastised and/ or encouraged by the stories and thoughts you share!
    I’m so grateful for what you do and regularly share the messages with others.

  6. So grateful that you did follow that inspiration! Know that you have been and continue to be an inspiration to me, and a light of hope that there are people out there that love this gospel as much as I try to and want to. Rock on sista!

  7. I am constantly amazed and inspired by your snippets. Thankyou for bringing your talents to this.

  8. I’ve been blessed by your posts as well. So many times I read a thought and think, “That is just what I needed today”. Thank you

  9. Cali you have inspired me in so many ways! You’ve opened the scriptures to me as I read your perspective on each lesson. This i Thank You sincerely. I can hardly wait to see what treasure you’ll share through each week! Hugs to you!

  10. I love your emails I share them with family and friends plus sister missionaries all the time. I also share them on Facebook at times too they mean a lot to me. So thank you so very much I appreciate everything you do:) your amazing at this!

    1. Thank you for sharing! That is the best compliment, when you enjoy it and want to share with others. <3

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